Increasing global competition in the world has gained a new dimension which will impel many enterprises to change their work methods and organization forms. Turkish insurance sector is not out of this alteration process, understands importance of individual and institutional change and improves plans about the future in this direction. In this stage, insurance companies which can not increase prime in country borders focus on fair damage payment without disregarding customer satisfaction. Quick and fair damage payment introduced the necessity of improvement of loss adjustment works in the direction of completion in a short time and  prevention of unjust gain. This improvement necessitated change of structure and work methods of traditional loss adjustment bureaus (include one loss adjuster, one secretary and two-three reporter).


In our company, founded for this purpose, some organizations were made to provide complete coordination in workflow without increasing bureaucratic processes and additional positions not founded in traditional bureaus were created by making task distribution. The most important of these are in addition to following of account registrations in bureau, one financial advisor who can analyze accounting registrations in loss adjustment works, value assestment expert who provides to accurate conduct of value assestment works, public relations unit which provides continuos communication with insurance companies, paperwork proceeding unit which supplies quick  completion of loss adjustment dossiers and coordination unit which prevent discontinuity in workflow.


New software programme is improved in additon to additional units because computer software programmes designed only for report writing are thought insufficient in changing environment and this programme has been used since our establishment.


Units found in our company organization schema and their tasks are presented below and their computer supports were tried to be shown.


1)      Front Bureau: Our front bureau in entrance includes two people. In additon to reply of phones, all denunciation entry and determination of the denunciation registration numbers are made by this unit.

2)      Coordination Unit: It provides coordination between branches and loss adjusters. Seperate screen is determined for this unit and damage denunciation which of entry was made is seen in this screen directly. Person on duty assigns loss adjuster according to determined way route, estimated damage greatness and branches. When damage which of loss adjuster is determined is taken from printer as denunciation voucher, this is communicated to cell phone of loss adjuster through SMS. In this way, it is aimed that transmission of damage denunciations to loss adjuster in a short time, orientation of loss adjuster and sighting of insured vehicle in same day and the shortest time. Discontinuity among the units is prevented by implementation of damage dossiers and all processes under coordination of this unit. This is realized with the help of one process which is determined as process position in software programme, can be listed for all cases and can be seen in all screens.


3)      Loss Adjusters: Totally 10 loss adjusters work in our company: 6 of them in center branch, 1 in Konya branch and 3 in Antalya branch. Loss adjusters are responsible for firstly making work of damage estimation according to their specialism field (determined in loss adjuster’s page) and transfer of necessary informations into system for continuity of their works. For example, auto accident branch loss adjusters are responsible for transfer of informations accessed on vehicle during damage estimation works and all processes about repair time (for paperwork proceeding), control of venue and repair control at night of loss ajustment day to their related friends with dossier. In the distribution of task which is problem for company that has many partners, firstly local distribution is taken into consideration for local damages. Thus, loss adjuster can access adjustment addresses in a short time. However, damages like truck, towing vehicle and autobus are evaluated differently and truck-towing vehicle adjuster and autobus adjuster are divided. In branch damages, in addition to size and attribute of damage specialism field of our loss adjuster is taken into consideration according to construction, machine and ship damages.Our purpose is to provide specialization of our adjuster in one issue. In summary, we don’t stick to numbers, differentiation is made according to specialism field in our company. Moreover, local differentiation (related to work load)was made among our adjusters especially in auto accident branch and damages out of city are aimed to distributed in this way. As a result of this, development of our adjusters about local subjects is aimed.

4)      Public Relations: This unit is responsible for providing relations with insurance companies, evaluation of claims which come from insured person after sending of reports to insurance companies and removing of every problems between insurance company and insured person in a short time.

5)      Accounting: Accounting works of the company have been driven by financial advisor who is in company staff. By the help of this system, providing of technical support to damage dossiers which have importance for accounting registrations is aimed in a short time.

6)      Value Assestment Expert: An experienced mechanical engineer, who had worked at value assestment department of a famed bank, is employed for the works of front loss adjustment and value assestments at the branch damages department of our company. Value assestmets of all fixtures and commodities like mainly machines and electronic devices are made quickly and reported by the help of archives in this unit. Moreover, this person is responsible for reporting process of machine damages.

7)      Front Reporter: Loss adjusters, who determine processes which will be made about dossier in the standard form latitude on dossier, transfer dossiers to front reporter for their distribution to related units. This person firstly tranfer photos about damage into related dossier in software system. In this stage all photos about dossier can be seen in the system when required. After gaining of photos to the system, in the first stage informations which will be transfered is entered into system and front report or suspended damage works are done. Morever, informations about venue or taken from damaged value are entered into system and if there is any difference between damage denunciation and incoming informations, these differences can be edited. After transfer of these informations into system, dossier is transfered to related unit according to sight of loss adjuster.

8)      Inquiry Unit: Retired police member is responsible for inquiries about judicial subjects as venue, seen of opposite vehicle or financial inquiry. Seen of opposite vehicle is practised as principle in unilateral and short dated damages and dossiers of financial responsibility. 

9)      Repair control unit: This unit consists of people expert about vehicles and had worked in auto repair services. In the first stage all dossiers repair decision of which are taken by concerned loss adjuster are transfered to related unit and this unit is responsible for going to related services, taking of detailed photos and transfer of necessary notes into system during repair process. Moreover, market price of the vehicle decided to be pert-total is determined by gallery and authorized seller and this unit makes salvage work. In addition of these, price control of detailed spare part is driven by this unit.


10)  Paperwork Proceeding:  Related unit service for dossiers which are entered in paperwork proceeding list at the final of repair time entered into system by loss adjuster takes information about situation of vehicle by contacting with service, agency and insured person. In the case of no completion of repair, repair time is extended. Morever, information about final position of dossier is given by this unit. Dates of arrival of all papers about damage dossier and negotiations made during paperwork proceeding are entered into system and these are seen in paperwork proceeding screen easily.


11)  Reporters: Dossiers front report of which is written by front reporter by dividing into their branches come to reporters assigned by loss adjusters. Reporters pass to writing of report after inquiry of price about damage, searching accuracy of given offering and negotiation with insured person and firm which will make repair. Branch and auto accident branches work independently from each other. There are 4 branch reporters who are mechanical engineer and construction technician, 6 auto accident reporter and 1 report control staff.


12)  Computer Operator: A software named as Loss Adjustment Pursuit System (ETS) designed individually but turned to organizational structure during our establisment is used in our company. Because of online process among our branches, not delay of computer support is very important for us. Therefore, computer operator is employed. This person is also responsible for after scanning of photos about damage and documents, transmission of them to reporters and print of damage photos.


13)  Archivist: Control of sign and date of completed dossiers is made and their delivery dates are determined. After making close of traffic/auto accident dossiers over internet, they distributed to insurance companies. Samples of dossiers left in Trete are filed.

 ETS (Ekspertiz Takip Sistemi)








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